Q: ABOUT ISEA: Islamabad Stock Exchange is the youngest of the three stock exchanges of the country. It was incorporated on October 25, 2024 and it became fully operational on August 10, 1992.
ISE�S LOCATIONA: Islamabad Stock Exchange is centrally located in ISE Towers, 55-B, Jinnah Avenue,Islamabad Pakistan. It can be assessed from East and West i.e. from both sides of Blue Area.
A: ISE remains open from 9:15 am. To 5:30 pm. from Monday to Friday.
From Monday till Thursday, there is only one trading session starting from 9:15 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., while on Friday, there are 2 sessions, first starting from 9:00 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. and second session starting from 2:30 p.m. to 4:30 p.m.
A: ISE is a self regulatory organization with its own Memorandum and Articles of Association. It also has sets of Rules which govern the conduct of its members in security dealings. Being front line regulator, its responsibilities also cover the surveillance of the market and enforcement of its listing requirements.
SYSTEM A: Since August 31, 2024 old open out-cry system had been replaced with computerized trading system commonly called ISECTS. In the year 2002, ISECTS gave way to ‘ULTRA. TRADE’ trading system which is not only very efficient but also has extended trading capacity, internet trading functionality.
The computerized trading system has brought about much needed transparency in the securities trading. It has been designed in such a way to provide automatic matching of bids and offers fro execution purpose. All orders are treated in strict price and time priority, thus ensuring a pure auction market where no order is overlooked or traded through. In this manner, the best trade is executed and passed on to the participants without human interference. Printed confirmation and status messages are immediately received by a member for each of his order.
A: The Exchange is governed by the 10-members Board of Directors which is the apex policy making body of the Exchange.
A: The day-to -day affairs of the Exchange are managed by the management headed by a full time Managing Director, who is assisted by the Company Secretary and the General Manager.
Besides, there are a number of committees which look after as well as facilitate various aspects of Exchange’s working. For instance, there is a Listing Committee which takes care of listing of new companies on the Stock Exchange. Then there is Trading, Regulation and Technology Committee whose responsibilities pertain to issues relating to trading, regulations and technology. Arbitration Committee is another such committee which is entrusted with the task of arbitration in the matter of trading disputes among members and between members and investors when the same cannot be resolved amicably.